So, I didn't want to say wrong, because I think there are few things you can really do wrong as being a mother. But incorrectly can be used a lot more freely, at least in my case. What I learned:
Its kind of hard to remember exactly what you do from one kid to the next, I wish I had written a little journal of the routine I had for my first kid. He was so easy to have sleep and most everything else. I will be writing more things down for my next kids sake too! At this moment, this is what I learned. I was putting my baby down too drowsy. I think there is a fine-ish line between asleep and just drowsy and tired. I was too much toward the mostly asleep than tired/drowsy.
The old routine went as follows:
Show for older brother
Nurse baby while rocking and sing song.
when he was done nursing he would be mostly asleep and I'd put him in his crib.
He would never fuss or anything so it was nice.
New routine:
Nurse baby while watching a show with big brother.
Baby watches 2-5min of show
we go into his darkened room, where we rock while reading a book
I sing him 1 song and before the end of the song he's laying in his bed. I make sure he has is blankie touching his face and then I kiss good night and leave the room.
He hasn't made a peep since. This is the 2nd night with this new routine.
Now I have to tell you what happened at 5:20am.
Baby woke up, fussed for a few minutes. It was starting to escalate a little, but not screaming. I snuck in (without him seeing me, pulled his blankie up to him, and left the room. with in 2 minutes he was back a sleep. He made a noise or 2 but went right back to sleep.
He woke up at 6:50am and I nursed him and we were up for the day!!!!!
Now I hope this with continue to get better, and no more 5am wake ups!
Glad I can record this for my sake as well as anyone who needs it!
Great news! I'm SO glad it's working, but just remember every kid is different. Although it certainly can't hurt to have notes to refer back to, that's for sure!!!