Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, for some reason I'm not being able to post on the comments! Not cool. Things were getting a lot better, with sleeping and nursing. Thanks everyone!
Now, a few days ago we started into another round of teething! Ahh!! this set seems to be especially bad for some reason. My favorite thing is Hyland's teething tablets, but since they are discountinued, I can't find them. I was doing baby oragel, some motrin but they didn't help so much. He munched on a bunch of frozen blueberries which temporarily helped. My new thing I found was BabyOragel Naturals. Its from clove extract, I don't think he really likes the taste, but it seems to work better.
Anyone have any other secret remedies??

1 comment:

  1. I've never been through teething before... so this is unexperienced knowledge. There are wooden teethers now that are supposed to be amazing. You can find them on Etsy. If you want to know specifically where I would buy one... e-mail me. But besides that... I have no clue!

    Good Luck!
